About The Studio…

The Story Behind the Studio:

I suppose there is a long story about how this version of my art journey has evolved into where it is now. I have been artistic all my life and I have had several attempts at offering my art to the world throughout my 50 years. 

I think this time offering my art to the world is going to be a mix of all of the other attempts combined. My most recent artistic venture with motivational graphic designs geared towards the dog training world is where I gained a decent fan base. That venture was named "Transcendent Trainers" and the name "Transcendent Arts Studio" pays homage to it. Those designs will find their way back onto this platform as my following remembers them. That art won't be the primary focus of this studio but will remain a large part and I will create more dog inspired graphic designs over time. 

I think this artistic venture will be less side hustle like it has been in the past and more of a place where I can share my art with the world again. I have gone through some massive personal and professional changes over these last 5 years. Covid changed obviously changed everything for everyone...myself included. As my career shifted and started to really develop in long term senior care, I didn't have the time to maintain Transcendent Trainers and shut the shops down. Here we are almost 3 years later and I'm ready to try again. 

As I have been creating art for myself and for fun, my significant other has been encouraging me to share my art and I agree with him. I'm looking forward to offering art to everyone with less internal pressure "to do something with my art." 

Welcome to the newest edition of the art and design of Cristin Larson, please enjoy your stay!